Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Boot Camp Moms Featured in the NewsObserver.com

Boot camp workout moves out of gyms - Fitness - NewsObserver.com

A special thanks to Joe Miller with the N&O for taking the time to listen to our story. And a big thank you all our "boot camp moms" for your loyalty. We are honored that you allow us to play a role in your mission to become healthier and stronger.

A clip from the link above....
""On that 25-degree morning, the 13 Boot Camp Moms who braved the cold for an hourlong workout that began and ended with aerobics (jumping-jack-infused sprints, running a circuit course) with strength training wedged in. For strength training, the women rotated among eight stations, doing TRX, Bosu Ball pushups, snatches, equalizers, rowing, squats with a medicine ball, resistance bands, more squats.""

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/01/31/1818301/boot-camp-comes-to-moms.html#storylink=addthis#storylink=cpy

1 comment:

  1. Kyle and Jennifer,

    Congratulations to two of my favorite people! Great article in the N&O. I just shared it on Facebook.

    Thank you for all you do, not just for Boot Camp Moms, but for all of us who have the pleasure of being whipped into shape by you two.
