Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Boot Camp is a Community of Friends

When we started Boot Camp Moms we had a vision of women working out and becoming a community. We never imaged we would help create a group of woman with so much love and support for each other. As kids, we loved to get together to play with our friends. As teenagers, our world revolved around our friends; oftentimes, our friends dictated our choice of activities. As adults, we still enjoy being active with friends, but don’t always feel like we have the time or opportunities to do so. Boot Camp class provides us with an opportunity to feel young again and be physically active with others. This brings us to a Carrie update......

Carrie started her journey with Boot Camp Moms over 2 years ago, last year she had an MRI where doctors found a brain tumor. This was a certain type of tumor called an Astrocytoma which is type of glioma. She had surgery to remove her tumor March 11,2013. She has done so well and we are so proud of her. Before her surgery we wanted to ask Carrie a few questions about what keeps her going through the tough times. And why she choose Boot Camp Moms.

" I wanted a group workout setting that did not include a giant membership fee and hoped that this would be a nice group of people.  Physically exercise helps keep my body conditioned for challenges. Mentally, it helps me focus and think clearer. It gives my brain a chance to turn off and stop running 8000 miles an hour. I tend to try to put my stress into my workout, if I feel tired I think of all the things that bother me and use them as motivation to work harder. working out is the key to let my stress out. I do not want Sit around and mope? I can't do that, I couldn't be who I want to be. When we found out about this tumor February 2012. I decided that if it ever became a concern and needed surgery etc. I wanted to make sure I have everything in my favor. I can't change anything about the tumor but I can make sure I live an active healthy lifestyle. What I can help do is make sure the overall health of my body is good. That way it should be better able to handle whatever may be thrown at me. Working out with Boot Camp moms has been a blessing, I found a great group of ladies to workout with every week. I do know that God has a reason for it.
We'll figure it out hopefully and we will always keep on trucking.  "
Boot Camp moms is not just a boot camp, we are friends and family that come together and support each other during the bad times and good. So many of the boot campers have sent food, cards, gift cards and email. Jen and I would like to thank everyone that has stepped up to be there for our Carrie!!! We love you and we know the road ahead is going to have some bumpy days, but always know All your boot camp friends are here for you anytime!

Carrie stopped by Boot Camp Moms last week and we were so excited to see her. She looked great and while some days are harder then others she keeps on going.  She goes April 8, 2013 to the Duke Tumor Center to find out the next step in this process. We know Carrie is strong and Boot Camp moms is planning on running for her April 20th, 2013 in the Angles Among Us 5k Duke Run.

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